• Life

    Cleaning Up and Out – Part 3

    The Heart I recall one day in Kindergarten when I was pouring drinks for a holiday party. I was only pouring a half-glass for each student. As you know, five-year-olds spill things quite easily. I did allow them a refill as they needed it. After I had poured a half of a cup, Trevor peered into his cup, sadly back up at me, and remarked, “I want more juice.” I replied, “I’m starting everyone with an equal share of a half-cup.” Trevor smiled, “O.K., but I want this much more right now, okay?” He held up his right pointer finger and crossed it at the bottom with his left pointer…

  • Life,  Prayer

    Clean Ourselves Up and Out! Part 2

    The Mind “You can’t stop a bird from flying overhead, but you can prevent it from building a nest in your hair.”  You can tell from my author photo, that I’m no longer near the teenage years.  However, this is a statement that I recall my Sunday School Teacher saying when I was a teenager.  I’ve thought about it many times throughout my life.  Our days, unlike my teenage years, are packed with news from unlimited technology sites.  I probably don’t have to tell you that much of the information shared on these sites is completely false. One quote I end up having to tell students every year is, “Don’t…

  • Health,  Life,  Prayer

    Clean Ourselves Up and Out! Part 1

    I, like many of you, tried to start eating healthy on January 1st.  Unfortunately, I, also like many of you, failed miserably!  Why?  I failed because…well I asked God to help me and then I went to search for his answer in the Bible.  Wouldn’t you know it!  The very first verse I turned to was… Man shall not live by bread alone.  I’ve got proof! I need my fried foods and sweets!  It’s Matthew 4:4!  Ever so quickly, I arose from his holy word and began to happily eat whatever I wanted.  I hadn’t stopped eating junk until today!  Now, if this sounds silly to you, you are one…