• Christian Walk,  Prayer

    The Life of a Caterperson

    Caterpillars are sometimes colorful, but for the most part they are kinda fuzzy, icky, and somewhat ugly. We don’t typically “ooh” and “ahh” over them.  Generally, we tend to imagine what they will become.  We realize they are in a slow growing and morphing process (but not really because it’s only 2 to 5 weeks and then they are in the chrysalis for 8-12 days).  By the time they become a beautiful butterfly, we have totally forgotten what they used to look like and how long it took them to get where they are! Now, for a moment, compare your life to that of a butterfly.  When you look back…

  • Christian Walk

    Are You Superstitious?

    On Mt. Carmel, the center of the idol worship of Baal, Elijah held a competition to prove that there is only one true God.  The prophets of Baal prepared their sacrifice and cried out to their gods.  They begged, danced, and cut themselves, hoping above all hope, that their god would answer by bringing a tremendous display of fire.  Since the gods they prayed to were made out of stone, there was no answer.  Then, Elijah called for his altar to God to be covered with water several times over.  You know the story…God rained down fire from Heaven to prove his existence.!   Even in the day in which we…