• Children,  Life,  Missions

    America’s Children

    They Feel So Alone For as long as I can remember, children have intrigued me, inspired me, and brought my heart unmeasurable joy.  I can remember being a child myself and dreaming of having a house full of children one day.  Not only that, I wanted grandchildren…lots and lots of them!  After my fourth child was born, I knew she would be the last child because of my health problems.  It wasn’t long after that I had a strong desire to be a foster parent.  Unfortunately, my husband didn’t agree with this decision.  My head got it.  He was tired because being responsible for the physical, mental, spiritual, and financial…

  • Church,  Family,  Life,  Mental Health,  Missions,  School

    Left Behind

    Be the Light that Leads the Way to Freedom! Oskar Schindler is well known for his bravery, tenacity, and dedication because he was willing to lose all of his wealth and risk his own life in order to help roughly 1,200 Jews escape certain death in German concentration camps.  Today, he and his wife Emilie, are buried in Jerusalem on Mount Zion.  They were named Righteous Among the Nations by the Israeli government in 1993. Harriet Tubman was born into slavery.  She was beaten, mentally abused, and acquired a life-long head injury from one of her various masters.  Yet, Tubman began to receive premonitions from God which led her to…

  • Life,  Missions

    It’s Dark – Be the Light!

    My husband thinks he’s sooooo funny!  On Saturday, I had so many things I wished to accomplish.  I wanted to clean out my kitchen cabinets and possibly one or two closets.  Yet, when I looked out the window at 6:00 p.m., it was so dark that I lost the urge to clean!  It’s like my mind was confused and tried to convince me that I should be going to bed.  Being disheartened, I messaged my husband to complain, “I hate the darkness!”   He, ever so quickly and sarcastically messaged back, “Turn on the light.”   Wait what?  I wanted…I truly NEEDED compassion!  I needed him to tell me that daylight would…

  • Life,  Missions

    The World in Time-Out

    He knows the number of hairs on our heads, though the number changes often, He counts the stars, and He knows how many grains of sand are on each beach.  Why…because they are purposefully made. Everything God does is on purpose! Many times we shrug our shoulders and say we’ve had the worst day ever, when God has actually allowed those things to happen because He knew they would protect us from things that were much worse.  We must learn to trust God. He knows what he is doing. Period. Is God working within the boundaries of the Caronavirus?  He has never not been working within our lives as individuals,…

  • Life,  Missions,  Prayer

    God’s Personal Love Song

    Everyone loves a heart-felt love song…right? Parents are aware that even tiny babies need love songs.  I recall singing, “You are my sunshine to my firstborn,” “You are my moonshine,” to my second born (he was mesmerized by the moon,) “You are my starshine,” to the third born, and “You are my rainbow shine,” to my final child. (Her hair turned a different color several times a day! All men know how to make a ladies heart skip a beat, like Alfalfa did for Carla, in The Little Rascals when he sang, “You are so beautiful to me!  You’re everything I hoped for, you’re everything I need…”   Men, though they…