
And So It Begins!

Who says Christian and chaos can’t be used in the same sentence?  Do you remember what happened when Jesus walked into the temple where doves were being sold?  If so, you remember tables were turned over in the chaos. Peter could walk on the water until the chaos of unbelief!  Jonah created chaos for himself when he refused to follow God’s wishes. Let’s not forget Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ himself!  She found herself pregnant and shamed, even though she was chosen by God! If that wasn’t enough, she later had to flee for the safety of her child.  If we looked chaos up in a dictionary at that time, it would have probably said, “Mary!”

We as Christians today get the idea that our lives should go smoothly. “I’m blessed” has become the new “I’m doing great because my life is perfect.”   Then, when a problem arises, we go into “abort mission” phase. However, we forget that we are flesh and bones. If we never failed, we wouldn’t even need God!   We forget that God works on others through our chaos, hardships, and failures.  

If you have ever been around me… any time at all, you quickly found out that I am a poster child for chaos.  It seems like before I even get one eye open of the mornings, chaos has begun to lift the other eyelid to say, “Wakey, wakey!  I’ve got big plans for you today!” I’m not going to lie, it’s hard to wade through the mess alone. That’s why I try to never resort to doing things on my own.  The first thing I do of the mornings is pray for help and guidance for the day. Not only for myself, but for my family, co-workers, students, and friends as well!  Again, I’m not gonna lie. I throw President Trump and other leaders into the mix quite often!

Let’s get real personal.  The fact is, if you aren’t walking in chaos, you probably aren’t walking with Christ!  I want to welcome you to my daily blog page where I offer up my life as a witness to you… the funny, the ugly and all!  I hope in some small (or large) way that I can give your life a little more laughter and hope! Follow along with me as I navigate life’s most raw, chaotic moments.  Let’s Rally Friends!

This is the day which the Lord hath made;

let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Psalm 118:24

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